Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Full Speed Ahead

For most people, I think that summer means the chance to slow down and relax a little.  Not for this family...choo choo!  The Lantz train is continuing to barrel down the train tracks.  We are gearing up for our next big adventure to Canada.  I am so not looking forward to the 16 hours+ of traveling we will be doing just to get up there.  No pain, no gain, though, right?  Right?  Come on, I need some encouragement here!  I just wanted to get all caught up on my blogging and leave you with some cute pictures to munch on while there will be no updates over the next couple of weeks.

We finally bought a drain plug for our bathtub so Reagan can take big girl baths now!  She loves putting her face in the water and blowing bubbles.

And this is what happens when you leave a little 13 month old monkey and a bin in the same room.

She loves building towers!

Kate loves her raspberries! 
Have a great rest of June!  We will probably catch up with you next month.  Please pray for safe travels and good adjustment as there will be a 3 hour time difference and children who are on schedules don't mix so well with time changes. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Movin' On Up!

Hannah and Kate have moved up in the princess puzzle league.  They are pros at the smaller puzzles we have and are now working on 100-150 piece puzzles.  I'm so impressed and they are so proud of their accomplishments!

Kate working on her puzzle

Hannah working on her puzzle

Kate finished this 100 piece puzzle all by herself!

Hannah got 3/4 of the way done and then had to take a break, but she didn't want to be left out of the picture-taking!

About a month ago, I had some pictures taken of Reagan with our favorite family photographer, Abbey Guffey.  Here are some of my favorites!  It was a quick 10-15 minute mini session and she pretty much just sucked her thumb the whole time, but we got a few smiles out of her!

My, how those feet have grown in just a year!