-Kate almost succeeded in getting herself out of her swing. Normally I do not strap them in because of the shape of my swing. It's cup shaped so the sides come up and around their bodies and they can't sit up by themselves so I just haven't worried about it...until the other day. I had the seat in the highest position you could go with no restraint and Kate was arching her back and wiggling around enough that she ended up with her head where her bottom should be. I heard her crying and ran into the room to find her body halfway hanging out of the swing. Lesson Learned: Strap in babies or put tray on.
-They have both been trying to sit up from a reclined position. For instance, when I put them in their car seat or am feeding them, they try to sit up on their own. It will still be a while before they are sitting without us supporting them, but they are on their way.
-They have their own cribs now. They sleep much better during their naps and at nighttime because they aren't kicking or hitting each other. It's a little sad, but I knew this day was coming. Now I just have to work on rearranging the nursery a little bit. I feel like we are always moving furniture around to accommodate new baby things. I'm just amazed that it all fits.
-When they get baths, they like to splash around in the tub. When I have George around to help me, I'll get video of them getting their baths.
They are both becoming very aware of the world around them and like to see what we are doing if we are out with them somewhere. My heart just continues to grow more with love for them. Here is some video (sorry it's so dark) and some recent pictures:
Hannah-also notice Kate rolling over in the background towards the end of the video