Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Call me crazy, but it still hurts...

You would think that having 8 month old twins would be birth control enough by itself, but that's why God made endless little things that help prevent (notice I said prevent, not terminate) pregnancy. So I went to my OBGYN's office today to get some birth control because I got to a point when I was breastfeeding that I was sick of the hormones I was putting into my body and just stopped taking the pills. Sorry, if all of this is too much information for you. Anyway, they call me back and ask me if I left a urine sample. I thought that was an odd request, but I chalked it up to the possibility that maybe they just wanted to make sure I wasn't pregnant before they prescribed birth control.

The nurse comes in the room and says, "Did you take a pregnancy test at home?"
"No, I'm just here for birth control."
"Oh, well, someone wrote on the chart that you had a positive pregnancy test. I thought that was weird because I know you just had twins, but some people do it."
" Not even thinking about pregnancy."
"Well, it was negative anyway."
I knew I wasn't pregnant, but having to hear someone say that still makes me cringe. After taking multiple pregnancy tests while we were trying to get pregnant and seeing negative signs, I got so fed up with negative pregnancy tests. Even now when pregnancy is quite far from my mind it still hurts to hear that the pregnancy test was negative. I guess I always assumed that once I was pregnant all of the hurt of trying for so many months would go away. It doesn't though. I don't by any means still cry about it, but I still have those emotional scars and things that still rub me the wrong way. Quite honestly I am hoping that our next pregnancy will take us by surprise (not necessarily anytime soon though).

Here are the two precious reasons for my visit today:


Kate & Hannah
Kate & Hannah (it was hard to get a picture when they were both looking at me with eyes open-Kate seems to have her Daddy's halfway closed eye syndrome when pictures are being taken)

Kate & Hannah
Kate & Hannah
Hannah-snug as a bug in a rug (Daddy said that she did this all by herself this morning)

I took the girls in yesterday to visit with my old co-workers from school. They were so excited to see them and it was nice to visit and see people again!
I also took Kate off of her dreamfeed last night and she did great! I did up her milk intake to 6 oz. at every meal and she seems to be producing no more spit up than she normally does so I'm excited she is done to 4 feeds a day. Hannah, on the other hand, is not handling teething and eating so well. She just wants to have nothing to do with solids and is a pill to get her to drink her milk. She doesn't complain of hunger though. The only thing that seems to explain her behavior is her two little budding teeth. I'm sure it will pass.
George and I get to go away for the weekend... ALL BY OURSELVES for a late celebration for our anniversary! So excited (if you couldn't already tell)! Have a great weekend!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Our First Family "Vacation"

Anyone ever camped for two nights in an RV with twin 8 month olds while it rained for decent periods of time? While the scene I just described might sound like it came from a horror flick for some people, it is real life people. As I write this, I feel like I need to recover from our vacation. I am exhausted. However, we survived, and for the most part, a good time was had by all. There were periods of screaming and crying with no help in sight, but I do what I do best...cry with them and pray that they fall asleep. This actually worked once. The other time I resorted to taking Kate outside and pushing her back and forth in the stroller until she fell asleep. They slept beautifully at night. I woke more than they did just to make sure they hadn't fallen out of our makeshift bed or smothered themselves with the blanket they were laying on. Morning did come a little earlier since we only slept about 5 feet away from them, but it wasn't too bad. I spent most of the time hanging out with the girls while Daddy played with his new sailboat (yes, you read it right...a new sailboat). I was eager to get out of the RV so I did track down an Old Navy via the internet and drove about 30 minutes each way to do a little bit of shopping. (Desperate times call for desperate measures) I was good and only spent $30. The girls loved getting out though and ate up all of the attention that they got as I manuveured my way through an extremely crowded store with a double stroller. They even gave me advice when trying to pick out a bathing suit. The weather was fairly nice, except for a few good periods of rain. It has been raining a lot down here in Florida, which is good because we need it. So we spent a total of 2.5 days and 2 nights out on our first family vacation.

As for whether I am glad that we took the plunge and went on the vacation. I'd have to say yes. While I do not want our lives to be on standstill just because we have two babies (one is hard enough), I think some people also don't understand what it's like to have two babies off of a routine. We did a pretty good job of sticking to our routine, but babies, just like adults, have to get used to sleeping in new surroundings and it throws them off a little. I have a very systematic way of doing things and when on vacation, control sometimes flies out of the window. This upcoming weekend I will actually get a (almost complete) vacation though because we'll be celebrating our anniversary by ourselves for the weekend. The only reason I don't feel like I have a complete vacation is because I'm still pumping and still tied to a "schedule."

I have finally decided that my pumping will cease at the end of July, depending on whether or not we receive the go ahead to go on whole milk at their first birthday rather than their due date. I am counting down the weeks. While I have fallen into a nice routine of pumping, I think it zaps me of my energy and I still feel somewhat restricted as to making sure I pump enough to keep my milk supply up, which has been decreasing lately. I give myself a lot of credit though because I have been doing this for almost 9 months now and have literally saved us hundreds of dollars by not having to buy formula. I've had to buy more formula recently because I haven't been getting as much milk, and at $15 a can, it is not cheap.

Hannah has 2 teeth now. Both of her bottom teeth are coming in at the same time. I felt this morning and was surprised by two little bumps instead of just one. She is also practicing her babbling. She says da-da infrequently, but she's getting there. Kate is gobbling down her food. I just sent George to the store to buy her Gerber puffs and I received a phone call while writing this that Wal-Mart didn't have them. Here's our conversation:

"Do you want me to go to Publix because Wal-Mart didn't have them?"
"What do you mean Wal-Mart doesn't have puffs? Where did you look for them?"
"I looked all up and down the chip aisle, like by the Pringles." (all of you mothers are probably laughing out loud right now, huh?)
"The chip aisle? I told you they were in the baby section."
"Oh, you know I don't listen to you." (love you, too, honey)

Yes, they are in a pringle-like can, but....................ohhhhhhhhh. God help my husband (or any man for that matter) if he ever has to raise our children on his own.

George and his new sailboat
George's 1st mate

Hannah & Kate playing
Hannah & Kate playing
These are the only pictures I got of the camping trip. I know, I know...cut me some slack. I was a little busy.
Hannah in her bed

Kate sleeping with Daddy

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Two Teethers

So I guess it's been a while since I posted pictures so I have quite a few to share with you. Nothing really new here to report, except that Hannah is now getting her first tooth and Kate is getting her 2nd bottom tooth. Hannah's tooth is the bottom right, which is the first one Kate got, too. I've transitioned them to eating their meals in their high chairs now instead of the car seats and bouncy seat. They actually like to sit in the high chairs after they eat and play with toys. This is great because it helps with the reflux. Hannah has been struggling with projectile vomiting, but I am happy to report that we have been vomit free for the last 5 days and counting (except for one minor-or major incident depending on who you talk to-that wasn't her fault).

I am taking them to school for the first time tomorrow to meet some of the teachers that I worked with. We will not be seeing the students because I don't like the germs and I really don't want those types of students anywhere near my girls. I guess that's about it for now. I am completely exhausted so I am going to keep it short and simple. G'night!

Kate sleeping at the NICU reunion
Kate in her high heels. My sister and I put these on the girls and totally died laughing. They were a gift from one of my aunts. They are soft material and squishy so not something meant to be walked in.

Trying the sippy cup out-didn't work so great.

Kate cuddling with her lady bug.

Hannah in her heels
Little divas

Swimming with friends
Mommy and her girls
Daddy & Hannah at the NICU reunion
NICU Reunion
Hannah after swimming

Peek-a-boo Hannah
P.S. We are going camping this weekend with George's parents' bible fellowship class. Yes, we are taking the girls. We're sleeping in one RV. The forecast is rain. Listen closely...I think I can already hear the screaming. I'm not talking about the girls either. Pray for good times!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Baby Dedication & Anniversary

On Sunday (Mother's Day-so fitting), we dedicated ourselves as parents to raising Hannah and Kate in a Christian home. What an exciting and huge responsibility. How do you raise two girls to believe that Jesus is their everything while living in a society that teaches that they are their everything? We have a big job ahead of us, but I think that as long as we are walking with the Lord that we are up to the task. I fall more in love with my girls everyday and cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for them. Our prayer is that they would come to know the Lord at an early age and walk obediently and faithfully with Him. Why dedication instead of christening or baptism? The Baptist church teaches that baptism is reserved for those who are already saved. Since babies do not have the ability to understand the gospel at such a young age, we dedicate ourselves as their parents to helping them understand and receive the gospel when they are ready. Then, they make a choice to become baptized. Here are some pictures that I have of the dedication and the subsequent Mother's Day celebration.

Baby Dedication Service-Hannah (orange), Kate (pink)

Grandpa & Hannah
Aunt Amy & Hannah
Nanny & Hannah
George and I are also celebrating our 4 year anniversary today. We have no plans until a couple of weeks when we will spend the weekend away.

Monday, May 11, 2009

NICU Reunion

The four of us and my parents attended Brandon Regional Hospital's annual NICU reunion. It was a lot of fun. Basically, it's an opportunity for the NICU staff to get to see the babies that they took care of and for the families who bonded to get to see each other. There was one family in particular that we talked to a lot while the girls were in the NICU and we got to see them. Ethan is growing and doing great and almost done with all of his surgeries to fix his cleft lip and palette (spelling?) that we was born with. There were some children there about 5 years old so it's neat because the bond between the NICU staff and the families they care for lasts a long time. George and I left feeling very blessed that Hannah and Kate are so healthy because there were some children there that had some disabilities. The staff loved seeing them. Here's a picture that they had taken for a calendar they are putting together:

The Lord has also burdened my heart with a vision for putting together some sort of ministry to NICU families. I've contacted our church about it and plan on meeting with our preschool minister to talk more. It was such a hard time in our lives and our faith is what got us through each day. There are so many people who probably feel so hopeless because of the difficult journey they are facing and we just want to encourage them and let them know that there is hope. My plan is to take in a gift for either a family that God really impresses upon my heart or let the NICU staff decide who to give it to. I want to do this on the 1st of every month because that is when Hannah and Kate were born. I want Hannah and Kate to be left with the legacy of serving our community and loving others because Jesus calls us to. With great blessing comes great responsibility to minister to those who are going through what the Lord brought us through. So consider this our missions to our Jerusalem. I'm not sure if it will open up huge doors to share the gospel, but hopefully people just see the love of Christ through us. This month we gave a $50 gas card to the family in our church that recently had twins and lost one of them. I know that the hospital where their son is at is far away from their home. If you feel led, please pray for me as God opens this new door of ministry.

The girls were dedicated this past week at church and I'll post pictures of that as soon as I get some.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swimming & Crawling

We took Hannah and Kate swimming for the first time yesterday and we had a blast! They both liked the water. I wouldn't say it's a love relationship at this point, but at least there were no shed tears and plenty of smiles. We put them in their floaties, which are just a tad to big for them, but it works as long as someone is closely supervising them. Here are some pictures:

Hannah swimming
Daddy & Hannah-Daddy was all kinds of fun in the water!
Kate climbing on Daddy's back
Kate giving Daddy a back rub
Hannah and Kate eating Daddy

Mommy & Kate-trying to eat her toes even in the pool
Daddy & Kate
Kate has also been practicing the art of crawling. She can get up on her knees, but doesn't know how to support herself from there. I caught a little bit of it on video.

Kate has a newfound love of her tongue. She likes to curl it up like a whale's tongue.