"Enough with the pictures already, Mom." I was actually trying to get a picture of her two little teeth. It's blurry, but you can see them.
Kate-holding her own bottle. Daddy was proud of her and had to show off her skills. She's been doing this for a while though. She's smart. It means that while I'm changing Hannah and getting her ready to eat, Kate doesn't have to wait. I just give her the bottle and she feeds herself.
Kate-our first time wearing a bow to church. There's not much hair to hold it there, but it's still cute. Their hair is actually really growing in in the back, but still no comparison to Rachel.
Bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, & ready for church
So after church on Sunday, we had a pool party with some friends in our Bible Fellowship class. George went night hunting on Friday night and was with a group of guys that killed a pig.
George and a friend spent Sunday morning cooking it and then served it up at our pool party. It was pretty good. However, as did my lunches in the early days of twins, it went mostly uneaten. The girls were a little cranky yesterday afternoon so I was more in a rush to feed them, change them, and get them into the pool before we had to go home for a nap. And people often ask me how I lost so much weight. We then hurried home after a short swim and the girls took a nap.
This is how I found Hannah sleeping during her nap. Doesn't look very comfortable, but I guess when you are exhausted, it doesn't matter what position you sleep in.
Sarah and I were asked to speak to a youth group at the church of our former high school life group leaders. (I hope that made sense.) Basically, we shared our testimonies and how God worked in our lives during middle school and high school. George, the girls, and Rachel all traveled with us. We had a lot of fun and it was great to see the Aden family again and have them meet our babies for the first time.
After that, we headed to my parent's home and spent the night having dinner with them. My brother is now moved in and we are just glad that he's home. Without going into any great detail because most of you already know the general situation, please be in prayer for our family right now. The only thing that I will say is that I really respect and admire my brother's character and I love him.
Doesn't all of that make you tired just reading about it? And that is why today we are recouping from our busy week. One of Kate's upper teeth is finally breaking through the skin so she's not feeling completely well and it's rainy so it's a good day to stay inside and clean the house...or not.
Lauren, the babies are beautiful and so sweet in their dresses and hair bows.You take great family pictures together. Stay well,