Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Almost One!

As I have previously mentioned, life around the Lantz household has been quite hectic trying to prepare for a first birthday party and finishing scrapbooks. I decided I was stressing myself out too much over the scrapbooks so I only completed up through May. Considering I hadn't even started on their NICU time up until this past month, I think I did a pretty good job of finishing 8 months (times 2). George has been working every night this week. In fact, I have only spent one out of the last 4 nights with him, which is okay. He gets to come home in the mid-morning, gets paid to sleep, and then gets called back out in the early evening. I guess it's just part of the routine for us now. That's not his set schedule, but he can make more money if he works these hours. Anyway, he has assured (or did I tell him) me that he will be completely rested up for the big day on Saturday!

Kate-she loves to play in car seats. In fact, I have two little monkeys on my hands. They love to climb. They have a little toy chair that I see them standing in every once in a while to get closer to something. Sometimes they try to lift their leg up onto the couch to sit with me. They can't yet, but they have the idea of it.


Kate-using the car seat to get closer to the top of the table.


Daddy & the girls looking out the window


Here's a cute video of them laughing at Bella running around outside.

Part of my problem with not blogging the last week is that I haven't noted their new accomplishments. When I go back to write in my scrapbook, I have been rereading my blogs so I can write down what new things they did each month. Kate has learned how to hold her own sippy cup and drink from it by herself (woo hoo)! Hannah just started shaking her head back and forth like she is saying no. She's not saying no because she just does it randomly, but it's really cute. They are also both potty trained (wait a minute-WHAT?). They aren't standing on their own yet, but they hover for a couple of seconds if you let go of them. I think that is about it for now. Don't worry...I don't neglect Hannah. I haven't been taking much pictures lately anyway and I guess most of them just happened to be of Kate.

If you think about it, the poor little birthday girls have a cold. Please pray that they will be better so that they can enjoy their birthday party.

One year ago tomorrow, I was laying in a hospital bed doing this:

Looking back at it, we are just so incredibly blessed that God worked the miracles that He did. He didn't have to, but He did. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

*Just kidding about the whole potty trained thing. Just checking to see if you actually read my blog or you just look at the cute pictures.


  1. I always read everything even though I pretty much know what is going on with them already. Of course, we all love the pictures.

  2. We read your blog over and over, keeps us up to date on events/happenings in the Lantz family. Pictures are worth a thousand words.

  3. I was picturing them hovering over the toilet! I was getting proud! The Lord has truly Blessed you guys, you are great parents!
