Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 4, 2010

Driving While Under the Influence...

Of greed, that is. You'll be happy to know that George came up with that title all by himself. He was the one who actually took the pictures, too. I think that the pictures tell it all. Hannah and Kate still both love the car so much and sometimes their greed & fighting cause accidents. What happened to my sweet little girls? They're still sweet, but now a good portion of their day (if we're at home) is spent whining and wanting constant attention. Please tell me that I am not the only mother out there who is going through this phase. I don't feel any new teeth coming in and they have the remnants of a cold, but nothing that I think should cause this much whining.

We did move them up to the walker room at church this week. They did great! They were the first kids there and as soon as I put them down, they went to explore their new terrain. The only bad thing is that this new room is not as conducive to them taking a short morning nap. There are lots of toddlers running around and it's hard to sit in a rocking chair and rock to sleep. So I think that Sunday mornings will just be a one nap day, which lends itself to a long afternoon nap.
Did I mention that it is COLD in Florida? Our heater for the house doesn't work great since it's the original and it's now as old as I am. Matt & Sarah let us borrow a small portable heater and we keep it in the girls' room. It works great and it keeps them nice & cozy.

As for the rest of us in the Lantz household, this year's beginning was much less eventful than last year's beginning. Remember this...

Mr. Rattlesnake is still taking up residence in our deep freezer. I told George that he had until the anniversary of his bite (Jan. 2nd) to do something with it or it was trash. And trash it will be as soon as I dig it out. Shhh...don't tell George that I haven't thrown it away yet. As far as his leg goes, he still deals with a lot of pain. He saw a neurologist a couple of weeks ago and he ordered an MRI and some nerve testing, while prescribing some other medicines. We'll see how those tests go and hopefully he can get some relief.

1 comment:

  1. I love the expressions on the girls' faces in the first picture! Priceless!
