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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Here we go...again

I'll start out with the good news...I had an appointment with the OB this morning and got to hear the baby's heartbeat! Yay! I lost a pound. That's not really something to celebrate when you're pregnant, but since it's not harmful to the baby, I'll take it. I'd much rather have my appetite back though.

So if I started with the good news, there must be bad news, right? I have another spot of basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer) on my face. This time it's on my nose. I had a skin biopsy done last week and it confirmed. It's easily curable, but it comes with taking a chunk of my face out. That's the part I'm not so keen on. Have you ever gotten a shot in your nose before. OWWW! I had that last week and I'm just not looking forward to having them cut into my nose. Ultimately, I have peace about the whole thing, but I'm not happy about it either. I have a consultation with the surgeon on Thursday. The first thing I have to find out is whether or not they will even do the surgery with my being pregnant. The lady I spoke with on the phone said they might wait until after I deliver. However, my OB said it should be fine. So, we'll see. One step at a time.

All of this to say, WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN! I'm only 26 and this is the 2nd time I've had it already. I'm sure to have it more. I'm not an extremely vain person, but I do enjoy having my face intact.

Everyone else in the Lantz household is fairly well. The girls still have colds. George is working a lot and doing a good job of supporting me at night when I feel my worst. And all of us are getting ready for the big wedding in less than 2 weeks!


  1. Sorry you are having to go through all of that. I'll be thinking about you!

  2. Lauren! So sorry to hear about another basal cell-I'm sure one day I'll be growing them, too! (Us fair-skinned girls just have all the luck.) I'm sure they'll go ahead and take care of it for you once you are in your second trimester. You may even find that you have more treatment options than you had the first time around! This area has many very talented plastic surgeons specializing in skin cancer removals on the face...stinks that you need their services though! ~Kyle
