George has the next 5 days off! I have my surgery on Monday. It's a minor one, but please be in prayer because although the risks are small, there are definitely more things that could go wrong with me being pregnant. Just pray for no infection and for them to get it all in the first shot! Also, pray for good healing. They aren't going to close the wound. I had originally scheduled the repair with a plastic surgeon, but they can't do it until after the baby is born. The doctor doing the surgery said that it should heal fine, but once again, this is my face we're talking about and I'm a little nervous.
Have a great weekend, especially if you are living in Florida and have this wonderful cool weather!
The girls are too cute with their little magazines!!! It made me laugh because we, too, have been getting them in the mail and Ella is the same way! Randy and I have been cracking up at her all week. Hope you're surgery goes well tomorrow. Definitely will be praying for you! :)