Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, November 1, 2010

Tutus & Treats

Our Halloween held just the right level of excitement for our little ailing ballerinas. George was scheduled to work and the girls have colds so we weren't able to make it to church. But we did have some fun later at Grandma & Grandpa's house. We also went to visit Auntie Erin & Uncle Dru.

This was after all of the excitement. Kate was wiped out!

Hannah, Kate, & Rachel

Our short trick-or-treating venture. We went around to about 7 or 8 houses in my parent's cul-de-sac...nothing fancy. We were actually getting eaten alive by the mosquitoes toward the end of our 10 minute walk. No one had to train these little girls about how to ask for candy, especially Hannah. She would walk right up to the doors and knock or stick her hand right in the candy bowl. I really don't give them candy, but she knew she wanted it. It was a great first trick-or-treating experience!

Hannah on the go

Getting candy from Grandma

And the cutest 1 year old Minnie Mouse! We also trick-or-treated with a 21 year old Minnie Mouse who was pretty cute, too.
And since my stomach is rolling this morning, I'm off to watch Minnie Mouse with my girls on the couch!

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! Well, we are back, so hopefully we will get together soon. My parents leave Friday afternoon, so we are free after that!
