Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 14, 2011

Future Golf Stars

George was very excited when I brought home the girls a set of golf clubs last week. Who can pass up $5 toys that Daddy will gladly take them outside to play with? George had a day off last week and we took the girls outside to play with them. Kate does like to refer to them as playing baseball with Daddy (Krista, I think she got that from watching Sam play), but who cares if she's wrong when she looks so cute doing it. Check out the cute Minnie outfits (on sale, of course) I got for them at the Disney store.




We have already demoted Hannah to the caddy. Not really, but she is much more content to carry around the bag and clubs than she is to hit the ball.


This is just a video of Kate playing. Forgive Hannah who is throwing a tantrum in the background.

George has been working so hard to get our bathroom done. A friend has been over helping him the last 3 days and has been a huge blessing. They have managed to get a lot done and motivate each other to work until past 10:00 each night. The only bad thing with that is that the girls bedroom is right up against the bathroom and they freak out whenever they hear the drill or a hammer. Therefore, the last two nights I've had to lay with them in our bed until they fell asleep. We've all been exhausted. However, he does have almost all of the drywall up, concrete board around the tub, and is currently working on putting in an exhaust fan and some electrical stuff. He's hoping to be ready to tile this weekend! I am very proud of all the work he's doing. I am itching to get to decorating and painting myself.

P.S. George did get to go to our last childbirth class and the massages were great! I'm looking forward to some more during labor!

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