The girls actually loved their backpacks so much that they insisted on putting on their shoes and then walked right out the front door without either parent. George and I scrambled to put on clothing and had to run out after them. They got a little over excited. No pictures of Hannah here because she was in the other room. Her backpack is a pink cat. I think we have new overnight bags!
Friday afternoon we spent outlet mall shopping. We got clothes for everyone in the family, including the one still in mama's belly. Then, we tried a restaurant that was brought up by our GPS and advertised on a tourist map. We were literally out in the middle of nowhere. It was one of those happen to come upon it on a dark highway. George got crab and I had a gross chicken caesar salad (Happy Birthday to me!). Think they threw a large piece of chicken on the grill and then just chunked it up. We agreed that it probably wasn't the best choice, but you never know with those types of places.
We got up early on Saturday morning and headed to a golf course. George was paired up with 3 men and I rode along in the golf cart. It was my first experience with a real game of golf. The weather was beautiful, especially when shaded the whole time. 18 holes of golf makes for a long day, but I brought a book along and had fun! It was fun just spending time with my hubby and I know it meant a lot to him. He even played a decent game of golf on a nice course!
That night we headed into downtown historic St. Augustine. We walked around for a while and then ate at A1A Alehouse. I'd been there before when we had a girl's weekend last August. We even got to see a real live semi-police chase on foot. We enjoyed this because one of our favorite shows to watch on Saturday nights is COPS. I finally got my birthday dessert later that night at Kilwin's Ice Cream. We walked around for a while longer and then headed back to the hotel to lounge around.
Sunday morning we did a little more meandering and then headed over to Downtown Disney to eat lunch. We ate at Raglan Road. It's an Irish pub. We got the best seats in the whole place. There were two very comfortable leather chairs right around a table for two. Not sure if it's because I was pregnant, but we took it. It's better than our experience at Denny's that morning. The host passed up a booth table for us because he didn't think I could fit because I was I wasn't offended, but I think it's funny. I'm not that big! In fact, I'm actually measuring 2 cm less than what I should be. Speaking of, my last OB appointment went well. She said everything in the ultrasound looked great and I lost a pound since my last visit. That was probably due to my stomach flu, but I'll take it. I guess I should actually work on putting a little bit of weight on these last 8 weeks.
George is currently gutting our hall bathroom. He has most of the walls down to studs. The purple tile is almost all gone. We are pretty much replacing everything in there. Not a planned project at this point, but we figure if we had to redo the tile, we might as well just get the whole thing done and over with. He has a lot on his plate over the next couple of months since the majority of the house projects are only things he can do or at least has to start before we can paint. He's doing a good job though!
I think I've got you all caught up. Happy March!
Glad you had a fun Birthday trip!! I had to laugh at your comment about fitting into a restaurant booth...once while I was pregnant (can't remember if it was Ella or Noah) we sat in a booth and I really could NOT fit into the darn thing LOL. Randy discovered that he could just scoot the table closer to him and it would make room for my gigantic 9 month preggo tummy. Thankfully, it was open seating and we didn't have a waiter there watching at least!