We seem to be progressing right along with Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease with no major complaints. Hannah is such a champ! She hasn't really exhibited the fussiness I guess that most babies get with this. She is sleeping longer and taking better naps so I guess that's a good thing. Today, she woke up and just looked a little blotchy. Kate has never shown any rash so at this point, I'm thinking that maybe she never really got it. It would be a miracle because they share the same spoon and well, everything, really. Who knows? Here are some pictures of Hannah over the last couple of days, just in case you were wondering what the rash looks like. If you actually click on the pictures to enlarge them, I think that it puts the rash in proper perspective. Just from looking at them on the blog, it makes the rash look much less severe (except for the very first picture) than it actually was.
We would all love you anyway if you had spots forever Hannah!