Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


L-O-V-E with a capital L is the only way to describe my feelings on our latest family pictures! I, of course, whole heartedly believe that we have a beautiful family so how could the pictures be anything but gorgeous...however, Abbey Saxton (Guffey) does amazing photography. She has been the only professional photographer we have used over the last 6-7 years. We have some friends who are also professional photographers and their works is great! But until Abbey produces something horrible or quits, she's our choice!

A couple of weeks ago we trucked up to a park in downtown Tampa and spent a mere 15 minutes clicking away. These are my favorites! I can't wait to update our two year old family pictures!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Here we go...again

I'll start out with the good news...I had an appointment with the OB this morning and got to hear the baby's heartbeat! Yay! I lost a pound. That's not really something to celebrate when you're pregnant, but since it's not harmful to the baby, I'll take it. I'd much rather have my appetite back though.

So if I started with the good news, there must be bad news, right? I have another spot of basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer) on my face. This time it's on my nose. I had a skin biopsy done last week and it confirmed. It's easily curable, but it comes with taking a chunk of my face out. That's the part I'm not so keen on. Have you ever gotten a shot in your nose before. OWWW! I had that last week and I'm just not looking forward to having them cut into my nose. Ultimately, I have peace about the whole thing, but I'm not happy about it either. I have a consultation with the surgeon on Thursday. The first thing I have to find out is whether or not they will even do the surgery with my being pregnant. The lady I spoke with on the phone said they might wait until after I deliver. However, my OB said it should be fine. So, we'll see. One step at a time.

All of this to say, WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN! I'm only 26 and this is the 2nd time I've had it already. I'm sure to have it more. I'm not an extremely vain person, but I do enjoy having my face intact.

Everyone else in the Lantz household is fairly well. The girls still have colds. George is working a lot and doing a good job of supporting me at night when I feel my worst. And all of us are getting ready for the big wedding in less than 2 weeks!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Firsts

Here are some recent happenings in our house lately. They haven't consisted of much because I'm still battling first trimester symptoms, but my mornings tend to be much better than late afternoon to nighttime. I'm just thankful for each day that passes and there is still a healthy, growing baby in my belly.

The first set of pictures is from our "picnic" on our patio. We made PBJs and had a blast just eating outside. Then, we jumped in the pool for some fun. It was a blast! Just a side note to those reading that out there that think twins must be so much fun. I hear people comment all of the time that they wish they had twins or want twins one day. I would love to do things like this more often (even just take them swimming), but it's nearly impossible at their age to do these things without another adult's help. If I had just one child, I could do things like this more. I suppose I could do it with two by myself, but it's less safe and A LOT more work. I don't get that one-on-one time and even a hint of relaxation. I'm not complaining about twins because they are a blessing, but it's just something to think about should you ever encounter a young girl who thinks it would be "fun" to have twins. Luckily, George had this day off so it was fun!

Kate floating all by herself. We finally figured out a "contraption" that would safely work.


These are from yesterday. They completely emptied out their toy box and moved everything in their playroom around. Where was I while all this was going on? I was in the shower. I actually thought it was amusing enough to take pictures. George didn't come to the same conclusion when he got home. After he cleaned up most of it, he threatened to throw the rest in the garbage if they didn't clean up.

George was able to read them 4 books before bedtime last night and they actually sat fairly still.

I LOVE this last picture. This is Hannah showing you how proud she is of her 1st pee-pee on the potty. It was a complete fluke! I am not potty training nor do I plan to in the near future. I want to at least get out of my first trimester to even attempt it. Nonetheless, we were very excited for her. Doesn't this look like a future yearbook picture?

We have also been battling colds for the last 2 weeks. We saw the ENT today for Hannah's post-op checkup, but she said it just looked like a virus. However, this virus had me and Kate cuddling on the couch last night/morning at 3 am. She was coughing a lot and it was keeping her awake. I turned on Minnie Mouse and gave her a breathing treatment. She went back to sleep after that. Pray that the girls get over these colds. I am very grateful that neither George nor I has caught anything! Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

You Know...

You know...

1) That you've been to the doctor's office too many times in one year when your two year old says "Doctor" when you've just pulled into the parking lot. Hannah and Kate have both had colds for the last week and I thought something was a little off with Hannah's breathing so I took her to the pediatrician today. Everything was fine! Lucky for them, she just happened to have the flu vaccines in. So Mommy's promise that no one was going to get hurt today turned out to be a lie. That's alright...they came home with cool stamps on their arms.

2) There's a new Elmo movie in the house when they run to the couch and yell, "Elmo!" and then sit their watching intently for a little while. We also got a new "Mee-Moo" video. Care to guess what that means? Minnie Mouse!

3) That there is a baby in Mommy's belly when the little one below runs up to me, says "baby", and then kisses my belly.

4) know that Mommy is in full first trimester mode when she gives away half of a chocolate cake to her sister because she has no desire to taste desserts. I'm praising Him through it because new life is a reason to rejoice! You may see a decrease in posts (as if you already haven't) because all I really want to do all day is lay on the couch or in bed and read. I have yet to throw up, but it's just an all day nausea thing and running after two toddlers doesn't help. George has been trying to help me though and these pitiful pictures today were my attempt to post something for you!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Praise the Lord for one healthy baby!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hannah's Surgery

Hannah had her adenoids removed this morning. It was a quick 15-20 minute procedure and we were back in the recovery area with her. Children are quite the little "fighters" when they are coming out of anesthesia. Needless to say, all of her struggling with me and her constant coughing ended up putting me into a "I think I'm going to pass out or throw up" state. I was useless as a mommy, but luckily Daddy was there. Sweet Hannah did wait until I had just stepped beyond the curtain to go get the car until she threw up everywhere. She rested for a little bit at home and she was back to her normal self. The doctor said that her adenoids were 70% enlarged so it's a good thing that they were removed. We are really hoping that the surgery combined with the immune booster that she received last week will help kick these sinus infections to the curb.

As far as my other very wee one goes, I am 7 weeks and definitely feeling pregnant. I don't look it at all, but I definitely feel it. I keep reminding myself to rejoice in it though because it means that things are going as they should. There are definite drawbacks of being pregnant, but I don't take for granted the blessing and privilege of being pregnant. I don't want to turn into one of those whiny, moan & groan pregos. I've been around some of them and it just turns me off. We have an ultrasound scheduled for Thursday afternoon. The doctor said he wants to make sure that there is just one in there. One would be nice! I'll post some pictures.

Thank you for all of the prayers and congratulations! We are very excited.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Cat's Out of the Hat

We had an awesome time at Hannah and Kate's 2nd birthday party. I've (George, too) been running around like a mad woman trying to get everything done this week and it all came together. The theme for the party was Thing 1 & Thing 2 from Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat. I had it set in my heart to make them little pillowcase dresses, called this because I literally bought a pillowcase from Target and made them from it. Anyway, my Mom and I made the first one together and then I did the second one on my own. They turned out so cute! I'll let the pictures speak for themselves!

Thing 2-"Kate"
The kitchen in the background was a gift

Thing 1 & Thing 2-"Hannah & Kate"

They actually really got into opening presents


Isn't the little weiner dog so cute?

Jeremiah in his purple cowboy hat! If the girls won't wear it, at least he will! Love it!

Mommy getting excited over their Abby-Cadabby card

Ray-Ray (their favorite cousin)

Have no clue what Kate is pouting about here

We finally have enough hair for ponytails! Yay!

Hannah loves the baby doll accessories she got & we got A LOT

Erin & I spent Friday night making the cupcakes and icing them. The cotton candy on top of them started to dissolve, but we added some more just before we ate them.

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You...

Hannah dug in

Thing 1 & Thing 2 also wanted to let you know that there is a Thing 3 on the way come this April! We said it. It's no longer a secret! The cat's out of the hat! More to come...