Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Second Set of Firsts

Poor Reagan has already succumbed to the second (well, really third) child syndrome. There are far fewer pictures of her at this point than there are of Hannah and Kate. Such is life. Reagan has great neck and head control so I figured I'd give the bumbo a try.

I love that chubby cheek smile! When I go in to wake her up in the morning, she gives me a weird look as she tries to focus in on my face and then she gives me the biggest smile! It makes my morning!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


You always read me write about how happy my little Reagan is and here are a couple of pictures to prove it!

Here are my other usually happy girls bearing not so happy faces. I told Kate to say cheese, but her smile looks a little scary.
George is finally home. You may have picked up on some of my references to how busy we were last week. He went on his 3rd annual mission trip to Kentucky with some others in our bible fellowship class to help build a church. I didn't want to come right out and say he was gone for safety reasons. I more than survived my week. We stayed busy going to the park, Busch Gardens, and having a dinner with some of the other moms from our class who had husbands gone. Now it's time to get back to our regular busy life of working around the house. Today's project is to clean out our garage. Ever since we moved into our house, I've wanted new, working garage doors. It's not fun getting caught out in the FL rain showers trying to get 3 kiddos into the house and getting into a HOT car. We are also have our electric company come out and inspect our attic for insulation so that we can get a money credit in order to put some insulation in the attic. Our electric bills are climbing and it's ridiculous. George said there's no insulation in most of our house. While cleaning out a garage doesn't sound like much fun, I'm super excited. Call me crazy, but I guess that's just the organizational neat freak in me!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Kate has been one rambling woman lately. I was instructing her to pick up her blocks yesterday afternoon and she was doing everything she could to distract me from enforcing my instruction. That wasn't too difficult because I was nursing Reagan. She was just jabbering away. My exact words to her were, "If you would exercise your arms and your feet as much as you are exercising your mouth, then you would be done cleaning up a lot quicker!" She didn't seem to understand what I was saying. Sometimes I wish I had a mute button. The following videos are from breakfast this morning. I taught them the "You got it dude!" saying from Full House. Nanny Lantz (I think) taught them the "My name is chubby" (just in case you were wondering what they were saying) thing.

Reagan had her 2 month doctor visit yesterday. She's healthy and growing. She's 12.5 lbs and 22.25 inches long. We decided to up her dose of the stool softener because it just doesn't seem to be working. She also has put her on some special baby wash because of her sensitive skin. Just normal baby stuff. She took her shots like a champ and gave me the best gift of all last night...she slept from 10:30 until 6:30! Not sure if she was worn out from her shots and all of our activities this week or she's going to make a habit out of sleeping through the night...let's hope so!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Elmo's World

Also affectionately known as Busch Gardens. We headed out there with Sarah, Rachel, and a friend from our bible fellowship class and her two boys. Although it was sweltering and we were sweating, a great time was had by all, even the littlest of the bunch. Here are a couple of pictures:

Mama & Reagan-isn't she precious in her bathing suit. I put her feet in the water to cool her off a little bit.

Using her fist to occupy herself. She's such a happy baby! If she cries, she stops the second you pick her up. She's pretty easy to read, at least for me. She is still having some pooping issues, but we go for her 2 month well baby visit tomorrow morning, so I'm going to address it with the doctor then.

Have a great week!

Friday, June 17, 2011

At Your Own Risk

So you all know that George has been working on this playset for the girls. Well, it's not exactly the way I would've pictured it and there is still some work to be done. I don't think as he was building it he realized how steep it was, especially for 2 year if you bring your kids over to play at our house, just know that they will be playing on the playset at their own risk. And if you would rather them be a little older to play on it (for safety's sake), I won't blame you. I'll let the slide speak for itself.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Making Her Mama Proud

My one month old going on 6 months old. I put her on her tummy on the couch last night and she immediately pushed up on her elbows and lifted her head straight up for a good minute. Way to go, little Reagan. We hardly do tummy time, but this girl has managed to build her neck muscles some other way! I am so proud of her! She must have really wanted to see the Stanley Cup finals game that Daddy was watching.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Princess Picture Post

Today's mission was to clean the house. I have two rooms left, but it's time for a nap first. I'm tired. Reagan is sick and constipated, which amounts to her eating for about 5-10 minutes at a time and then waking up early to eat again. She just has a cold, but her appetite is not what is usually is. I think we are on the downhill part of it though.

Since the Hannah and Kate's room was clean, I thought I'd take a couple of pictures to show you their princess room. I still have some minor decorating to do, i.e. pictures and maybe some wall decorations. We have already had one mishap of pulling off their wallpaper border. George and I were not happy! Now that I have all of Reagan's newborn pictures, my goal is to go through our house room by room and work on the little stuff that needs to be finished, like hanging pictures and touch-up painting.


You can see the torn wallpaper to the left of the dresser

Yay-an almost finished closet! Notice George's cedar shelves.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Simply Sweet

Isn't this chunky girl just the sweetest thing you've seen? She fell asleep in her bouncy seat waiting for me to finish blow drying my hair. I picked her up though and we got some snuggle time before I officially put her down for a nap.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

When Life Hands you Lemons...

make lemonade, right? Or at least take photos to make for some good blog posts! That's what Sarah and I decided to do when Kate pulled her stool up to the kitchen window and accidentally pulled down some of George's plants sitting on the window sill. Oops! How can you not laugh when your daughter is covered in dirt and is yelling for me to get it out of her mouth?!

We also had George's mom and her husband in from Canada over the Memorial Day weekend. It was a lot of fun! We mostly hung out at our house and swam in the pool. On Friday we went down to eat at the Old Salty Dog restaurant and then headed over to a "beach" by St. Armand's circle. Ummm...yeah, we'll have to stick to the normal beaches in Sarasota. You will see why in a couple of pictures.

Reagan & Grammy Kelso

Hannah's Lemonade Story:

The beach we went to was really nothing but shards of shell and this rock stuff. Hannah managed to fall after being there for five minutes and cut up her entire leg. It was bleeding fairly profusely so we headed for a walk-in clinic anticipating stitches. Luckily, the clinic did not take our insurance and by that time the bleeding had stopped so we opted to go to CVS instead and did all of the wound care ourselves. Dr. Mommy to the rescue! Hannah was a great sport and all she cared about the entire time was going swimming.

George & Erin kayaking

Reagan and I hung out on the little piece of grass that was there

Hanging out in the pool

Reagan also had her follow-up with the pediatric GI this week. He said that her intestines still look puffy, but that her stomach was soft. We are going to keep her on the stool softener and re-check her again in 2 months. My little chunky monkey is 11 pounds already! She is still as sweet as can be! I guess that is it for now. Enjoy your weekend! We have a busy one.