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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gotta Love Em

Nothing too exciting happening here in the Lantz household. We (all the Lantz ladies) are recovering from small little illnesses. Hannah & Kate were both running fevers last week, but are feeling better now. Last Friday and Saturday, I went with some friends from church and my Mom to a women's conference in Orlando. Kay Arthur, Beth Moore, and Priscilla Shirer were the speakers and, man, were they awesome! Our women's minister at Bell Shoals warned us to be guarded against Satan's attacks to discourage us from going and allowing God to work in our lives. Man, let me tell you, Satan sure did try on Friday to discourage me, but I pressed on. Kate's diaper rash & yeast infection returned with a vengenance so I made a last minute doctor's appointment and turns out she also had an ear infection. Between getting her prescription filled and picking Hannah up from Sarah's house (while avoiding 2 head on collisions that honestly weren't my fault) and then rushing home to get packed, I would say that Satan did a good job of piling up the obstacles, but he must have seemed to have forgotten Who fights for me. Anyway, God really opened my eyes up to having a joy for His word and even really spoke to an issue that George and I have had this week (not within our marriage) about discernment through the Holy Spirit. It was really nice to be able to bring something home that God taught me and share that with my husband to encourage him and pray through a situation. And I had an awesome time of just hanging out with the girls!

I know what you're thinking...what happened to the little girls? Well, George watched them for a good portion of my time gone and even took on Rachel for about 6 hours, too. I think he was a little overwhelmed. Welcome to being everyone to everybody while doing everything.

Here are some cute pictures that just exemplify why my daughters are just so irresistable!



Hannah-you can kind of see the 3 teeth she has growing in on the top

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