Sisterly love (we have already entered the spatting stage-pulling hair, pushing, biting each other's toes-AHHHH!)
Kate is recovering from crying. It really is a smile on her face.
Kate (letting her displeasure be known) & Hannah
Hannah & Kate-they love to play with anything that opens and shuts
We also went to story time at the library again this morning. This story time was a little bit more overwhelming than the last because of the large volume of moms and babies. What was funny though was that Kate decided that she was going to be the little social butterfly and "introduced" herself to almost every mommy and her baby during story time. At least no one seemed to mind and the door was closed so she couldn't escape. I think most people were probably thinking, "Poor woman. She's already got one kid in her lap. She's too busy to chase after this one." All in all, it was fun! And George got A LOT done around the house today. We are going to rent our current house out and attempt to find a bigger house for our doubled family.
?I am going through withdrawl sp?, any updates on our prescious grandgirls