Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Apparently this baby did not get the memo that we are in the 2nd trimester now and Mommy is supposed to be feeling better! I had a great 3 day run, but since Sunday I have been back to feeling nauseous, especially at night. It was nice to have a little break and I'm hoping that all of the night sickness completely subsides over the next week or so. In the mean time, we've hung out around the house a lot and I've managed to accomplish somethings around the house and even went grocery shopping with both girls this morning. I saved over 50%!

Here are some random pictures from the last week:

"Riding" their tricycles after dinner
I decided to consolidate their clothes a little and this was the beginning. I managed to get all of their clothes (except preemie) into 4 large rubbermaid bins.

And, finally, I had my 14 week OB checkup this past Monday. The baby's heartbeat was great! A lot of people say that the 2nd (and subsequent) child often gets the less put together baby books, etc. So, my goal is to at least take the belly pictures every time I have a normal doctor's appointment. My belly is obviously bigger at night after eating all day, but when I looked at the bottom picture, I felt like a whale already. I do have to admit, I'm enjoying wearing some maternity clothes though.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Night & Day

Today has been a night and day difference between how I've been feeling. Today, I almost felt normal (non-pregnant)! I made dinner (shepherd's pie~yumm!) and enjoyed it. I helped (made) the girls clean up the house before bedtime and we even did puzzles after dinner. Usually, I am rendered useless after dinner, but not tonight. I'm tired, but at least I don't feel like throwing up. Praise God!

Here is a video of Hannah doing her puzzle. She is so good at this puzzle. She doesn't know her colors, but she can match them. George mixed all of the colors up and she had to rematch them. Usually she and Kate yell "Yay" for each other when she's finished, but not this time. Kate also does her puzzles very well. We will definitely be getting some more challenging puzzles for Christmas. I'm so proud of her!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Act

I'm trying to get my act together. I actually made dinner last night, which I haven't done in a while. Cooking hasn't been high on my priority list, which I am grateful that George has been very understanding with me on this. The girls and I also ventured to toddler time (story time) at the library. This was our first time back since our break for the summer and since they are 2 now, we graduated up from the baby time. It was actually really nice to feel like we are getting a little bit of "normal" back. We even checked out some Mickey Mouse & Elmo DVDs and some books. They are in love with Minnie Mouse. Hannah runs screaming (like someone has just broken her toe) when Minnie Mouse videos are over. It's like the child's best friend has just been murdered. We may just have to do a Minnie Mouse theme when they move to their new bedroom. Here are some pictures of the girls before we left.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Not Gone

I just wanted to write a quick apology for those of you waiting for new pictures. I'll be honest with you. I had a great week (pregnancy wise) when family was in town. I think God answered a lot of prayers and maybe being busy and extra adrenaline helped. This past week has been a little rougher though. I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow though so I'm really hoping that I feel better consistently. Last night, Hannah was struggling to poop so I was holding her (body completely stiff) over her little potty. Well, poop she did and it stunk! I yelled for Sarah to come help me because I was overcome by the smell. As soon as Sarah grabbed her, I stuck my head over the toilet right next to me and proceeded to dry heave a couple of times. I feel like I've already been pregnant forever, but I know I have a long way to go. Anyways, that is my excuse for failing to keep the blog updated. I should have a blog post up soon though with pictures of last week!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Whirlwind Week

George's sister, Erin, got married to our new brother-in-law, Dru, this weekend! We have been busy with lots of family time. His mom and husband stayed with us for a couple of days. We've also been busy doing a lot of with Krista's family. Because the pictures are taking a long time and I'm exhausted from our Disney day yesterday, I'm just going to give you a couple of pictures and I'll do more later. We had a lot of fun though!

The girls were not totally excited about meeting the princesses

Aunt Amy & Hannah riding Dumbo

Mommy, Kate, & Daddy riding Dumbo

Here are a couple of wedding pictures. I don't want to post too many because I'm not sure what the bride wants me to do yet. Anyway, the girls were flower girls and adorable.

Hannah rocking the tutu
I am now headed to get some much needed rest. Keep checking back for more of our week's festivities! We did have another ultrasound and the numbers (measurements) were all good! I'm even starting to feel a little better. I made it through the wedding and Disney just fine!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Not much to say today, but I thought I would share a couple of pictures.

I thought it might be time to start taking some belly pictures. I am currently 10 weeks & am definitely starting to round out. Here's one picture from the other night.

The best part of my day today though was the sweet words I received from the Lord. I was reading in Psalms. I'm pretty sure it was Psalm 27, the last two verses. I can at least tell you what they are because I memorized them. I hope you find them as promising as I do.
"I am confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."
I don't know about you, but...WOW.
I had my appointment with the surgeon yesterday concerning my skin cancer. They said they would prefer to wait until after I deliver in case there are any complications and I would need more than local anestheia or require unsafe antibiotics. I told her I had two concerns with that: 1) I don't think I'm really going to feel like having a 2-day surgery (1 day for the surgery, 1 day to suture) after I've just had a newborn. I don't want it to affect breastfeeding either. I had a rough go with breastfeeding the first time around and I'd like to make it a good experience this time. 2) Although, basal cell is slow growing, it's my nose and I'd rather take as little off of it as possible. She said that she would discuss with the main doctor and also discuss with my OB and then make a decision. Just pray for wisdom. Ultimately, I'm willing to submit to whatever is best for my baby.
That's it...Happy October!