Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

George and I took a trip with Matt & Sarah about 3 years ago now to Boston. During that time period George and I were trying to get pregnant. We ate at the Cheers bar in Boston and then visited the gift shop. They had really cute baby t-shirts and onesies. However, we weren't pregnant yet, but out of faith we went ahead and bought a (notice it's singular) t-shirt. Well, I stuffed it in my dresser drawers and just kept believing by faith that we'd have a baby to fill it one day. When I found out that we were having twins, I knew that we had to get another t-shirt. Luckily, Matt and Sarah went to visit his parents in Boston and I had her snatch another t-shirt. Well, they finally got to wear them today because they fit into them. Sorry these pictures aren't the best. It's really hard to get them to sit next to each other and stay still. They love to crawl towards me as soon as they see the camera come out.

Sisterly love (we have already entered the spatting stage-pulling hair, pushing, biting each other's toes-AHHHH!)

Kate is recovering from crying. It really is a smile on her face.

Kate (letting her displeasure be known) & Hannah


Hannah & Kate-they love to play with anything that opens and shuts

Hannah & Kate
We also went to story time at the library again this morning. This story time was a little bit more overwhelming than the last because of the large volume of moms and babies. What was funny though was that Kate decided that she was going to be the little social butterfly and "introduced" herself to almost every mommy and her baby during story time. At least no one seemed to mind and the door was closed so she couldn't escape. I think most people were probably thinking, "Poor woman. She's already got one kid in her lap. She's too busy to chase after this one." All in all, it was fun! And George got A LOT done around the house today. We are going to rent our current house out and attempt to find a bigger house for our doubled family.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gotta Love Em

Nothing too exciting happening here in the Lantz household. We (all the Lantz ladies) are recovering from small little illnesses. Hannah & Kate were both running fevers last week, but are feeling better now. Last Friday and Saturday, I went with some friends from church and my Mom to a women's conference in Orlando. Kay Arthur, Beth Moore, and Priscilla Shirer were the speakers and, man, were they awesome! Our women's minister at Bell Shoals warned us to be guarded against Satan's attacks to discourage us from going and allowing God to work in our lives. Man, let me tell you, Satan sure did try on Friday to discourage me, but I pressed on. Kate's diaper rash & yeast infection returned with a vengenance so I made a last minute doctor's appointment and turns out she also had an ear infection. Between getting her prescription filled and picking Hannah up from Sarah's house (while avoiding 2 head on collisions that honestly weren't my fault) and then rushing home to get packed, I would say that Satan did a good job of piling up the obstacles, but he must have seemed to have forgotten Who fights for me. Anyway, God really opened my eyes up to having a joy for His word and even really spoke to an issue that George and I have had this week (not within our marriage) about discernment through the Holy Spirit. It was really nice to be able to bring something home that God taught me and share that with my husband to encourage him and pray through a situation. And I had an awesome time of just hanging out with the girls!

I know what you're thinking...what happened to the little girls? Well, George watched them for a good portion of my time gone and even took on Rachel for about 6 hours, too. I think he was a little overwhelmed. Welcome to being everyone to everybody while doing everything.

Here are some cute pictures that just exemplify why my daughters are just so irresistable!



Hannah-you can kind of see the 3 teeth she has growing in on the top

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy Hannah Hamming

Here's a picture of my little ailing sweetie. She woke up fever free this morning, but then had another 101+ fever this afternoon. She cuddled with me until she fell asleep and now I'm enjoying some alone time with Kate. So for the second Wednesday night in a row, we'll have to call in the reinforcements. So blessed to have family in town!


This is their new favorite thing to do that keeps them busy for at least 10-20 minutes. So simple, yet so fun to them! I paid $20 (off of Craigslist) for the whole toy, yet the most fun thing about it is just hearing the balls bounce against the tile floor. Whatever keeps them happy, right? If you watch it all the way to the end, you'll get a sweet close up of Happy Hannah hamming it up.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Recent Pictures

Not too much exciting happening here, except for Hannah's 101.5 fever this afternoon. She woke up from her nap with it. It caught me by surprise, but I actually got some really sweet cuddle time with her because she wasn't feeling well. Hannah is growing in three top teeth. Kate has another top tooth coming in also. We went to another birthday party this weekend. I am LOVING the women's bible study I am in on Tuesday mornings. God is really teaching me a lot and I love the fellowship between the group of women that I meet with. Just busy, busy, busy.

Here are some recent pictures: Hannah & Mommy
Hannah & Mommy

Hannah practicing standing on her own

Where's Hannah? Can you guess who hid her in the laundry basket? No, it wasn't Kate.

Hannah & Kate watching their favorite Baby Einstein video-it's all about water


Mommy & Kate

P.S. I finally vaccumed up the baking soda in my car and no smell! Yeah! I still have the box of baking soda tucked in the pouch of one of my seats, but I am very impressed with the baking soda.
Have I mentioned that I LOVE these girls? They are so precious to me and they are more fun every day! I couldn't imagine my life without them!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk, Unless...

it was spilled in the backseat of your car on a warm Florida afternoon and you were stuck in a place where you didn't have anything to clean it up with until a few hours later. That's right. Every time I get into my car, I am greeted with the smell of soured milk. I packed a bottle of milk for the girls in a cooler and the cooler spilled and with it the milk that was in the bottle. It was partly my fault for not putting in the little disc that ensures nothing spills from the bottle. Silly me, I thought a cooler would actually hold any liquid inside of it. I guess I learned my lesson. At least we are on to spill free sippy cups (that's right-we are successfully weaned from the bottle & no more bedtime bottle either-woohoo-that was much easier than I thought).

I tried regular old carpet cleaner and Febreeze, but that didn't work at all. I am currently using baking soda and lots of it. I basically spilled about 1/3 of the baking soda box on the floor of my car where it spilled and left the rest of the box in there to freshen my car. It actually seemed to work, but sometimes I get in and it still smells like old milk. We'll see what happens when I vaccuum it up.

Since I have a lot of seasoned mothers who read my blog, I was just wondering if you have any solutions to our spilled sour milk dilemma in case our baking soda stops working? Thanks in advance (especially from Hannah & Kate who ride in the backseat)!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

One Year Checkup

We went to the pediatrician's office today for Hannah and Kate's one year checkup. The worst part about the whole visit was waiting with two one year olds for 1.5 hours while they were supposed to be napping. Well, that was the worst part for me and Uncle Michael. The worst part for Hannah and Kate was the 4 times they got stuck. Hannah got her shots first and Kate was giggling at her pain. What a rotten little child. However, she was not giggling at all when she got her shots.

The student "doctor" who did all of their measurements was a little overwhelmed, but she kept her composure. Two wiggly and mischievous twins gave her a run for her money (unfortunately, I'm sure she doesn't make any yet so her suffering was all in the name of education). I think we went through about 10-15 feet of the white paper that they put down on the table. Therefore, I know their weights were accurate, but the length and head circumference could be a little off. She said that their growth curve was going up, but she didn't show it to me. I should've asked to see it, but I figured I could do my own charting and measuring at home. I did double check with the actual doctor to make sure Hannah's growth was good and she said it was.

Kate weighs 19 lbs. 14 oz. She was 27.5 inches. She has been running a low fever for the last couple of days, but the doctor didn't seem to find anything wrong.

Hannah weighs 16 lbs. 8 oz. She was under 26 inches, which I'm not so sure is an accurate measurement because I think at her last appointment she was 26 inches. I could be wrong though. I just need to remeasure when I get a chance.

Other than that, we are weaning off of the nighttime bottle, which I think we have succesfully done. They are taking sippy cups at two meals. Hannah loves finger food and it's about all she'll eat. She will usually spit anything that I try to spoon feed her.

While I love having twins, I did have a "I wish I had only one baby" moment tonight. I was giving them baths tonight and Kate was just really fussy, not feeling well, and tired. I bathed her first, gave her a pacifier, and set her down to play. Well, she was not happy with that. So I put Hannah in the pack n' play and sat in the rocking chair with Kate. We rocked for about 10 minutes and I sang to her. I haven't done that in at least 7 or 8 months. I don't get just one on one time with them when they are sleepy and want to cuddle. Poor Hannah had to just sit and cry in the pack n' play until me and Kate had enough time together, but she got her bath and we also sat in the rocking chair and cuddled. I just wish that I could do that more often. I probably could if I had someone to help me put them to bed, but George is usually working so I fly solo at bedtime. Not complaining, just want you mommies of one baby to cuddle with your baby a couple of extra minutes at night for me and all of the other twin mommies out there who don't get to.

Off to do my homework for our Growing Kids God's Way class and enjoy a CSI re-run in bed on the laptop!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Blog Changes-Quick Warning!

Just in case you are wondering where that lovely music is coming from that seemed to turn on as soon as you opened my blog, it's my blog. If you are at work or you don't want to hear the music, you can scroll down on the right side of my page. There is a playlist and you can simply pause the music or you can mute your computer! These are just songs that the Lord has used to encourage me in past years and some new ones that I like. I also decided it was time for a new look. Enjoy!

Baby Time

The other day we went to story time at our local library. We went with one of my friends and one of Hannah and Kate's friends, Cooper. He was born just a couple of weeks after they were so they'll be best buds. We had a great time at story time! It was just for babies 0-24 months and they could all kind of roam, within reason, on the floor. We listened to a couple of stories and sang some songs. The girls did a great job. There was even another set of twins there. Here are some pictures from that day:

Kate's the one looking at the camera. Now that they're mobile, it's much harder to get both of them looking at the camera at the same time.
Look at their little shoes!

Two big girl car seats.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Birthday Breakfast & Dessert

On their actual birthday, I decided to get up early and make them a special breakfast. They got scrambled eggs, cheese, and a blueberry waffle. The scrambled eggs were quite messy as seen in these two pictures, but I wanted my girls to feel special on their special day!



Birthday visitors

Because Aunt Erin's cake was so good, Mommy let us have another cupcake on our real birthday.

Hannah & her cupcake frosting gotee


This little girl & her food cracks me up! Look at the way she is devouring this cupcake. I love it! She definitely takes after her mama and may have a slight addiction to sweets already after only two cupcakes (oh no)! This is not by the way permission to feed my children sweets whenever you want. Just wanted to throw that in there in case certain relatives (from both sides of the family) are reading this!


Hannah liked to mush the cupcake in between her hands and act like she was washing her hands with the cupcake-oh silly Hannah!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Birthday Party-Part IV

Okay, this is the last post on the party, but more to come on their actual birthday. Here are some pictures of the people who came to celebrate with us! THANK YOU to everyone who not only celebrated with us at their party, but also joined us in prayer and praise over their first year of life! I know that we've said it before, but THANK YOU so much for being prayer warriors for our precious daughters. It has meant so much to us and I hope that one day it will mean so much to them!

Daddy making kissy faces at Kate
Daddy, I think it goes a little higher.

Notice Hannah's beet red face. She just snapped herself with the string on the hat.

Carter & Cooper

Birthday Party-Part III

The most anticipated part of any 1st Birthday party: CAKE time! These pictures go from latest to earliest. So if you want to see the progression of the cupcakes being destroyed, scroll to the bottom and work your way up! Enjoy!

That was a mighty yummy cake you made for us Aunt Erin!

Hannah-notice how much is left untouched (no wonder the girl weighs as much as her 5 month old cousin)

Mommy showing Hannah how to dive into that cupcake


Look at the joy on her face!

" Get in my belly, you cupcake!" The way Kate smashed her face into the cupcake was priceless and SO funny!

Hannah (left), Kate (right)

Kate eating her birthday cupcake
