We are finally starting to get over this cold thing. George still has a pretty bad cough, but I'm feeling much better and the girls do not sound as congested. I really think their Synagis shot which they got for RSV every month, lessened the effects of their cold. I know they say not to panic over the new swine flu, but it makes me not want to take them out in public since hearing about the 23 month old that just died. Yes, I know we can not all live in our houses until this passes, and, No, I am not going to hole up. Anyway...back to good stuff.
Hannah is just as sweet and happy as she always is. Other than her once daily ritual of throwing up all of her bottle and solids all over me, she has finally gotten this solid food thing down the last couple of weeks. She opens her mouth now instead of having to force the spoon in her mouth. She definitely loves her fruit, too. It's usually the vegetables (like the peas from last night), which get rejected and ejected. Hannah can sit up but would rather be rolling around on the floor. She needs a little support still. She also loves to smile at her sister.