Just in case you have tried to e-mail me recently or are expecting a blog update...thanks to lovely Verizon we have no internet. A lightning storm hit our router on Friday night. I called Verizon on Saturday morning and was assured I would have a new router on Tuesday. UPS doesn't work on the weekends, but they do overnight them so Tuesday it is-or it was supposed to be. I called back this morning and guess what? "Ma'am, I'm sorry there was no order placed for a router. We have a record of your call, but no order was placed. And, ma'am, we don't usually overnight things, but I'll put a note to do so if possible." Wouldn't you think that somewhere in the Verizon world, the same message would be communicated to all employees AND I could speak to at least ONE competent Verizon employee. This is why George said he didn't feel like messing with the problem and made me call Verizon. Except now I am having internet and e-mail withdrawals. So how am I on the internet now? I made nice with my sister and brought her lunch so I could use her internet.
I'll post an update for our doctor's visit as soon as internet is up and running. Now, I need to pay some bills ONLINE so I don't get a late fee. Do you think Verizon would cough up late fee money, too? Wishful thinking...
Your internet is still down? Nanny says hi from where I am Love you! Keep lifting us up! 6pieces of luggage are missing! Love you